The Gospel of Mark in Context: A Social-Scientific Reading of the First Gospel, Eugene, OR, 2022

The short story that we now know as the Gospel according to Mark was written in Greek twenty centuries ago in the context of an agrarian society that had been…

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The Textual History of Old Latin Daniel from Tertullian to Lucifer (Textos y Estudios «Cardenal Cisneros» 85, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2021)

€24,04 Editorial CSIC;   €4,99 e-libro, Casa del Libro Este estudio traza la historia textual del latín antiguo, o Vetus Latina, versión del Libro de Daniel y sus adiciones (Sus-Dn-Bel), desde…

Continuar leyendoThe Textual History of Old Latin Daniel from Tertullian to Lucifer (Textos y Estudios «Cardenal Cisneros» 85, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2021)